The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 19th, 2019

pwuille Just announced our Miniscript project website on the bitcoin-dev mailinglist:

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:12 PM, Aug 19th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

RT @lopp: As the Lightning Network continues to mature it will actually become more difficult to track the growth of the network. Detractor…

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@San_person @softcrypt0 Yeah I think this goes a step further by making it even easier to visualize how many blocks…

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New mempool “TV View” by @softcrypt0 is getting added to my battlestation setup posthaste.

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Theory: the longer we go without the real Satoshi being revealed, the bolder the Faketoshis will become since they…

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@murchandamus To be fair BCH only needs about one block a day to meet demand.

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@Preacher_KC Jurisdiction certainly matters; I was watching videos from Portland and note that Oregon has some pret…

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@DmitriyMolla Me too. I can only assume that the responsible firearm owners are… being responsible… and purpose…

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I’ve watched a number of videos from recent protests in which victims being attacked by a mob (even unarmed) would…

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@PeterMcCormack Craig Wright fabricating new evidence to support his stories:

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@mariodian @dk_bitcoin @BTCSocialist Nobody will protect your interests, for sure!

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@mariodian @dk_bitcoin @BTCSocialist No one who wants to be President should be allowed to be President. As such, p…

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