2 weeks to flatten the curve
2 years to admit everyone’s on the curve pic.twitter.com/bX45SSxtCM
@acityinohio the social smokoooooooooooorrrrr
@tyler oh they get deplatformed, they’re just masters of getting replatformed
Men will literally mill their own firearms from raw blocks of aluminum instead of going to therapy.
@Chris_qbit Always has been.
80% receivers?
We don’t need no stinkin’ 80% receivers.
ghostgunner.net/zero-percent/ pic.twitter.com/fJ5fO7BCGi
@ecurrencyhodler tryin’ to get banned from twitter, eh
RT @SovrynBTC: We are going to be LIVE in 15mins with another episode of Sovryn Tea 🫖
@EdanYago will be having a discussion with @lopp and…
@_This_is_Stan_ Block subsidy pays for thermodynamic security while system is still bootstrapping sustainable trans… https://t.co/N8FspZ5RX0
Bitcoiners know that there will always be fewer than 21,000,000 BTC. But do you take this claim for granted or do y… https://t.co/Tzk2RNgf9u