The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 28th, 2022

@paullinator There are the bitcoiners who lost hope, sold everything, and are salty buttcoiners.

via Twitter for Android in reply to paullinator

In 1971 New Hampshire started printing the slogan “Live Free or Die” on license plates.

George Maynard, a Jehovah…

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Yes, you can, but not with that attitude.

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Which book is better?
Please only answer if you’ve read both.

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“The change in the cost of living cannot be reflected in the price of the average basket of goods, since the basket…

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“Mortgage” is a French legal term meaning “death contract” because the pledge eventually dies when either the debt…

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@orweinberger sounds like a case of premature confirmation

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@laurashin You could have just said it was a @paulkrugman op-ed so that I didn’t have to bother clicking the link. 🙄

via Twitter for Android in reply to laurashin

@takinbrrrr Good point, though I bet it’s pretty rare for a node operator to set that config. Even if they did, don…

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