The shortest distance between 2 points is a geodesic. Alternatively, shortest distance between 2 points is a wormhole.
@neiltyson Agree? Shortest distance between two points is a geodesic. Alternatively, the shortest distance between two points is a wormhole.
If there are two types of people I hate, it’s those who use social networking to complain about their pet peeves… and hypocrites.
TheOnion BREAKING: Capitol building being evacuated. 12 children held hostage by group of armed congressmen. #CongressHostage
alexbonin Death to ragweed, cats, and dust mites!
Dumbass activists want us to Occupy Wall Street / Occupy Durham, but don’t want to admit that it’s a precursor to class warfare. ಠ_à²
Verizon pushed the Gingerbread update to my phone yesterday and re-introduced a 2-yr-old Android bug. Now I have a $600 hand warmer. ಠ_à²
“Lawn care professionals” left me a note saying that I cut my grass too short. I use the highest setting on my mower. ಠ_à²