I doubt that human-to-human or human-to-machine use cases can justify micropayment channels, but machine-to-machine appears a perfect fit.
Are there any examples of micropayment channels that have been implemented on mainnet? https://t.co/HQOp4cEeqW
@TriangleBitcoin @coindesk Sure, but I’d rather they be shaken out via voluntary reputation services rather than involuntary surveillance.
@bitonbit Interest goes up, exchange rate goes down… youcantexplainthat.jpg.to
@coindesk @TriangleBitcoin Their position enables them to capture info & identify wrongdoers? That’s what crypto-anarchy seeks to avoid.
“Bitcoin was worthless until the Genesis Pizza event in 2010, which set the first value.” - Ted Nelson https://t.co/juW8S4PNsk

BTCFoundation Bitnodes Project 2014 Q3 Report: The State of #Bitcoin P2P Network by Addy Yeow ow.ly/B2Ic3 pic.twitter.com/F4JxZHMfHp
@TuurDemeester It’s difficult for me to take that web site seriously. Horrible design, feels spammy, and the title of the site is “My Blog.”
@coindesk @laurabaverman IMO, Bitcoin isn’t ready to go mainstream. We need it to remain in the nerd realm for a few more years to prepare.
@dailytarheel Changing URL schemes w/o redirecting old URLs is not very user friendly. Also, your site is slower than molasses today.
YouTube now supports tipping of video creators, for a modest 5% + $0.20 fee. FAIL. https://t.co/xhR2tOP8QB