@VentureBeat @emilepetrone @wadhwa A ban is a ridiculous proposition; humans will be incentivized not to drive via time & money savings.
Supposedly the first Bitcoin ATM in NC just came online today on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill. https://t.co/YE66KZkCH2
@mikestable HELLO M’LADY i.imgur.com/eamX6xp.gif
@MichaelCasp You pointed the camera the wrong way - it’s supposed to be pointed at the food.
Pretty cool adaptive robot demo; apparently the hardware only costs $25,000 https://t.co/4hFhU0XwIc
Today I got to use my first @oculus_rift and I saw this USB stick malware demo. https://t.co/liF5oFlHh4
Apparently student interest in computer science has exploded past few years. UNC-CH reports 3X-4X increase in CS undergrads since 2008.
At my alma mater, UNC-CH, celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Computer Science dept founded by Dr. Fred Brooks. pic.twitter.com/zhy1wG3J19