The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 18th, 2014

@VentureBeat @emilepetrone @wadhwa A ban is a ridiculous proposition; humans will be incentivized not to drive via time & money savings.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to VentureBeat

Supposedly the first Bitcoin ATM in NC just came online today on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.

via Twitter Web Client

@MichaelCasp You pointed the camera the wrong way - it’s supposed to be pointed at the food.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to MichaelCasp

Pretty cool adaptive robot demo; apparently the hardware only costs $25,000

via Twitter Web Client

Today I got to use my first @oculus_rift and I saw this USB stick malware demo.

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Apparently student interest in computer science has exploded past few years. UNC-CH reports 3X-4X increase in CS undergrads since 2008.

via Twitter for Android

At my alma mater, UNC-CH, celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Computer Science dept founded by Dr. Fred Brooks.

via Twitter for Android from Chapel Hill, NC