@M_Gauche @deepakshenoy @balajis False. If holding a volatile asset that suddenly increases in value, investors diversify & lock in gains.
New Statoshi dashboard for function timings: http://t.co/cjAL3Gu9H1
TechCrunch Solid Concepts announced their second 3D-printed metal gun tcrn.ch/1Djz5jv pic.twitter.com/uHIynM12VX
@OverstockCEO How much did @MerrillLynch profit from it? If it was more than $6M, they’ve been incentivized to continue breaking law.
Seems like it should be possible for a sidechain to impose additional scarcity constraints such that only X BTC could be pegged to it.
Common misconception: cryptocurrency mining power is not directly related to tx volume. We don’t need more power to process more txs.
@mikestable Another reason to upgrade to e-cigs