The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 25th, 2015

@sundance30203 By tying fewer pubkeys together (by using them in the same transaction) you make it harder to tie your separate txs together.

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@NicholasFrazee @jefft pewpew? This is exactly what Javascript was made for.

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RT @sgornick: @lopp While UTXOs of 0.01 or less take up a huge amount of space, their monetary value is relatively small:…

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RT @BitGo: The Challenges of Optimizing Unspent Output Selection, by @lopp

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@mikestable NSA LOLs “you hurt us but we can’t prove it because doing so would hurt us”

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I just published “The Challenges of Optimizing Unspent Output Selection”

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@AriannaSimpson I worked on a Wordpress fork when I was in college; the code was also horrible :-|

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BitcoinMagazine BREAKING NEWS: @BitGo Unleashes FDIC-like Insurance Ushering in a New Era of Security

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:17 AM, Feb 25th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)