“Organizations that have custodial access [to bitcoins] have all of the problems of traditional centralized financial networks.” - @aantonop
“Algorithmic regulation provides certainty without nationalist or geopolitical influence.” - @aantonop
@aantonop Check your video title; you’ve got a typo.
TheTorontoSun Bank of Canada urges Star Trek fans to stop ‘Spocking’ their fivers. bit.ly/1CpNK19 pic.twitter.com/oZzG1jwf6z
@bitonbit Nah, just look at July - it’s just the head fake bull trap for the next 6 months of dumping amirite :-P
@sbyrnes @pmarca Perhaps sentience has already evolved on the Internet and decided to call itself Satoshi Nakamoto…
RT @maraoz: wow, https://t.co/0wR2xQssU0 looks AMAZING! congrats @LouisonDumont for the great work! :)
It’s 2015 & high perf software engineering still requires us to write logic to manipulate data at the byte level. CS degrees are valuable.