“Your password change request has been rejected because the password (W4d2CyrVndBD9X4TdXQSpwFNmdUHyx) is too weak.” ಠ_#complexityFAILFAIL
jgarzik #Bitcoin is engineered to be upgradable. All data structures and messages are versioned. A process exists to create new script operations.
Wow. According to the DOJ’s criminal complaint, the govt agents were extorting Ross Ulbricht. http://t.co/kDY3ErylWi http://t.co/oqB1RIPIeG
Interesting that the govt knew in May 2014 that their SR agents were probably corrupt, kept info buried until after Ulbricht was convicted.
RT @aantonop: Two federal agents stole bitcoins from Silk Road during investigation, now face charges: