@ryanxcharles There had better be blackjack and hookers.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @pig_poetry @Magnus919 @RyanScudellari I suspect a transition period will have truckers using assisted driving functionality
@ddahlke The question to ask yourself is: at what point does a market cease to be a market?
@pig_poetry @Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Their employers will voluntarily elect to use safer and more efficient options :-P
@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari I, for one, can’t wait for more self driving cars so that I’ll be safer while riding my motorcycle.
@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Self driving cars will be voluntarily adopted as prices drop & by people who value the time & safety benefits.
@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Even a perfectly libertarian society will not be a utopia, and that has never been the goal…
@RyanScudellari Financial analysis could get messy. I see the solutions to texting while driving as 1) Darwinism and 2) self driving cars.
Greeks buying luxury goods to hedge against currency uncertainty - same tactic we see in countries w/high inflation. http://t.co/4AUfoQzXmb
@RyanScudellari And if you do care, you don’t need a state sponsored stop to be safe. I tweeted that from a gas station. :)
@RyanScudellari My point is that many people don’t care about committing nonviolent crimes such as texting while driving, littering, etc.
@RyanScudellari Would be hard to prove even with crash data. Causation / correlation problems, hard to isolate variables…
@RyanScudellari Neither signs nor laws change human behavior. The problem is stupidity and it can’t be legislated away.