The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 28th, 2015

@bitstein The problem from my view is that there is a lack of consensus on what the acceptable resource requirements are to run a node.

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@bitstein Block size is not an economic policy like the block subsidy, it’s an anti-spam measure to limit resource usage.

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@bitstein RBF is the only solution I’m aware of, which won’t roll out for at least another 8 months.

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@ziggamon Sure; w/o contention for block space then users would get confirmed more predictably and merchants would fulfill their orders.

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@bitstein You’re correct, but the fee feedback loop isn’t tight enough and users can’t update fees to meet sudden spikes in demand.

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@ziggamon just the users who are submitting support tickets :-|

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When you say “let a tx fee market develop” I hear “let enough users get frustrated to the point of abandoning Bitcoin so that demand drops.”

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@flyosity William Drayton is super disappointed.

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@JamesGMorgan Right; some small block proponents seem to argue for targeting LCD but they won’t commit to hard baselines of what that is.

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Disclosure by @pwuille: a Bitcoin consensus bug that was indirectly solved by BIP66

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Just upgraded my home Internet connection speeds by 10X (300mb/s : 50mb/s) for an extra $10 per month. Your move, small block proponents!

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