@TriangleBIZJrnl @carpedurham Congrats @TatianaBirgisso - I @drinkmati every day - looking forward to new flavors!

New statoshi.info chart: “TX Accepted vs Received”
This may be helpful for identifying malicious behavior. pic.twitter.com/owpgtieCBB
@mikestable How to fix the Red Ring of Death https://t.co/ixhbiwJLWs
“Software as Subversion” via @vgr http://t.co/nPADL7jDz1
@vgr small typo on “Software as Subversion” - “crytocurrencies” should be “cryptocurrencies”
RT @Suitpossum: Money is not a store of value. It is a claim on value: Short little viewpoint I did in @Aeonmag https://t.co/g5SKM5ZV0B
@kristovatlas Node operators can reconfigure relay rules to require higher fees to stop “dust” spam.” Or can implement Luke-Jr’s rules ;-)
@kristovatlas Depends on if you’re trying to prevent txs from propagating or preventing them from confirming.
@ollekullberg Ah, yes, because the size of the average tx in bytes has increased. https://t.co/AwwetxrBHe
@ollekullberg Well we can easily AVERAGE 2 TPS and have full blocks if an attacker broadcasts 100 TPS for a short burst & fills the mempool.
“…Bitcoin users might get increasingly tyrannical about limiting the size of the chain…” - Satoshi Nakamoto https://t.co/mWHVpGKuCL
@kristovatlas @pwuille If the trailing time period was on the order of hours, I could see it being gameable - but not w/a 97 day window
.@pwuille proposes a bandwidth-based block size increase algorithm: https://t.co/rp6c2THrDI
@twobitidiot @maraoz I’m less worried about WMDs than I am about terrorist use of drone swarms ;-)
@maraoz @twobitidiot Overuse of the word “terrorist” may have incited more fear in the populace over the years than actual terrorist acts.
@ryanxcharles @abarisser Looks like you made the common mistake of spelling Gavin Andresen’s name like Marc Andreessen’s ;-)