At a “hack the law” meetup. Attorney: “smart contracts may not be smart and probably aren’t contracts!” pic.twitter.com/iAMNIlbIMt
@badslinky True, though people downplay the difficulty in trading tokens between different forks of same chain since most are valid on both.
paulg It’s a lot more rewarding to bet against conventional minded people than to try to convince them.
Today we measure ripples in the fabric of spacetime.
Tomorrow we manipulate the fabric of spacetime.
.@BigchainDB looks pretty cool, though to be clear it is a permissioned system. https://t.co/PZAlNKP3RI https://t.co/NR63qBgXCb
@WIRED @a16z @CadeMetz “@coinbase was among those who loaded the code onto its miners” I think you mean into its nodes. Doubtful they mine.
@bramcohen @brian_armstrong Welcome to crypto anarchy :-)
@badslinky It’s about walking the walk as opposed to just talking the talk. Node operators back up their words with enforcement.