The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 21st, 2016

I don’t play many games these days, but I pledge to buy Half Life 3 with bitcoin from @steam_games ;-)

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SteamDB Bitcoin payments are coming soon to Steam, they will use the local currency prices and convert during checkout.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:25 PM, Apr 21st, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@LaurentMT @kristovatlas Gotcha; I didn’t view the slides. Still, most of the use cases outlined are actually for anonymous systems…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to LaurentMT

@kristovatlas Well, after reading Peter’s post and then reading the actual whitepaper, I thought he was taking some creative liberties.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kristovatlas

Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes - this is a great primer to send to non-technical people.

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RT @adam3us: my thoughts & audience discussion on tradeoffs of main fork types for #Bitcoin scaling at @Paralelni_polis in Prague https://t…

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