The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 22nd, 2016

The world will never know how many bitcoin breaches have been prevented by @BitGo.

via Twitter for Android

@aantonop I’m on the verge of quitting /r/btc since you can’t mention SegWit or LN in a positive light without being shoveled FUD.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to aantonop

@TradeBlock Not sure what changed, but some time in the past few weeks the Bitcoin live dashboard started eating up my CPU in Chrome on OS X

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@martindale @shannonNullCode @TriangleBitcoin Submitted my “trustless computing” talk that talks about the problems blockchains solve.

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@Cryptolina Raleigh conference is seeking speakers for their blockchain track:

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@NinaKilbride Conference in Raleigh is seeking speakers for their blockchain track:

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@TriangleBitcoin @shannonNullCode All Things Open is seeking speakers for their blockchain track:

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@MagNetDevOps I heard that they were thinking of doing a blockchain track; glad to see it made it. I’ll give them a pitch!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to MagNetDevOps