The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 4th, 2018

@prestonjbyrne @ErikVoorhees You’re saying crypto assets are doomed because some upset people will hire lawyers and…

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The crypto asset learning curve is steep, but you need not pay anyone to teach you - the only investment required i…

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@ErikVoorhees @prestonjbyrne I, too, get upset when I see people being irresponsible. But I can’t condone restricti…

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@TenaciousBTC @verretor There are multiple reasons why quantum computers won’t be able to break every cryptographic…

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@manan19 @weex I think you’re referring to this :-)

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The real flippening is well underway.

“Up to 2008, sovereignty created currency. We now live in a world where curr…

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“Bitcoin cultists” have voluntarily chosen to free themselves from a system that was imposed upon them without thei…

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RT @murchandamus: I just published “Excited for Schnorr signatures”

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