“I don’t want to live in a world where younger generations grow up without privacy.” https://t.co/YiuKqZOzzV
Forking is governance.
@TuurDemeester @theonevortex @Topkek1337xd Some early adopters are stuck in 2012; Bitcoin has left them behind.
RT @FelixWeis: Initial version is live! Mempool-based feerate estimation for #bitcoin.
nytimes The currency they were after was virtual, but the guns they carried were anything but nyti.ms/2CtvPst
@TuurDemeester https://t.co/kqpCEMOLo6 30 seconds later
@TuurDemeester I really enjoyed the Hitler propaganda he spliced in there. Way to elevate the conversation!
The beauty of voluntary systems is that everyone is completely free to disagree with each other, be as conservative… https://t.co/QCAufvtd0J
RT @naval: The idea that we usually need authorities to guide and govern. Evolution and capitalism create spontaneous order. Markets and bl…
@BitcoinUnlimit @AntonyZegers The reason /why/ the node count dropped is tangential to the point that it was quite… https://t.co/hr2gtwHNMF
@santisiri @hernzzzzzz According to https://t.co/wEMOedLxLA:
5.4% of reachable Bitcoin Core nodes run on AWS
18.4%… https://t.co/jV7IKHxnTo
9 years of @bitcoincoreorg development visualized. https://t.co/F8bs4dtH1a
@rbtkhn There’s evidence that supports the theory that quite a few bcash nodes are also operated by a few entities. https://t.co/HqfIARmgKz
@notgrubles Well, “Satoshi’s Vision” is for everyone to use SPV wallets, so you’re gonna need a ton of nodes to ser… https://t.co/chJA8Tt7oh
We suspected this already due to prior node count cliffs, but evidence continues to mount that 80% of Bitcoin Unlim… https://t.co/XO7a2o9LCB
@WayneVaughan @PhilCrypto77 I’ve had conversations with folks who are envisioning building arbitrarily complex fina… https://t.co/5krMGwK6ce