@coin_artist @AlyseKilleen @AlyssaHertig @AmberBaldet @AriannaSimpson @BitCoinSusan @BLR13 @CaitlinLong_ @calilyliu… https://t.co/SqUbM5UMTD
@brianchoffman Don’t dash their hopes, Brian!
@BlockCypher Your transaction fee estimates are ~10X what they reasonably should be right now. Compare and contrast: https://t.co/PJYhA5TI6R
A consequence of consumer convenience can be the creation of crutches that make you more reliant on third parties.… https://t.co/7dCfAmLh7D
aantonop Bitcoin Q&A: Misconceptions about Lightning Network youtu.be/c4TjfaLgzj4
Crypto Ladies #FollowFriday:
@BLR13… https://t.co/qD5il8QhwC