The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 12th, 2020

Nice job, @hasanminhaj - calling out the tax prep industry’s shenanigans.

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If you’ve procrastinated on your bitcoin taxes, reminder that there are tons of resources available at

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@BogeyInBoken You’re probably right; leave it to the IRS to describe a credit as a penalty.

via Twitter Web App in reply to BogeyInBoken

@Sgt_Hot_Stuff Looks legit; it’s probably a computer / human error. There shouldn’t even be an underpayment penalty…

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IRS: You owe us money

Me: How much?

IRS: You have to figure that out

Me: What if I pay too little?

IRS: We pena…

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@ziomanzo Correct, and the optimal way to provide safety for every citizen is to lock them into an individual cell…

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Necessity is the mother of invention.

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@ziomanzo Statistically, yes you can. It’s pretty safe to say that over 99% of American gun owners have not shot an innocent person.

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