The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 23rd, 2020

@sundaywar Mobile key and Casa key have automatic backups, so 2/3 is safe. For 3/5 it comes down to how to ensure o…

via Twitter for Android

@urza_cc @UgugigigiSt Most firmware updates don’t wipe the seed from the device. If it does, you can perform a key…

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@nopara73 @lontivero @molnardavid84 The solution to the Evil Wife Attack is to never tell her about your bitcoin.

via Twitter for Android in reply to nopara73

@UgugigigiSt I suggest reading the blog post in my tweet.

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The bitcoin was not stolen from his Trezor, but from his seed backup. Seedless setups protect against this attack.…

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I had the honor of recording the first episode of @creckhow and @rhizo_michael’s podcast, Byzantine Dreams! We touc…

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RT @CasaHODL: Bitcoin offers certainty in an uncertain world … but keeping up with it can be a full-time job.

💎 Casa Diamond membership…

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@danheld IDK dude, I’d recommend a minimum 100 yard cleared kill zone perimeter to prevent sneak attacks.

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Democracy is fragile and may generally be doomed to fall to authoritarianism. The temptation to prevent political o…

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