“Argires opened an account with Coinbase on behalf of ‘Texas Barbecue’ and funded it with a total of over $950,000… https://t.co/a85oNQ20rW
@winklevoss We can make Dollar Scammer a thing 😇 https://t.co/MMF1jS4xIk
Dollar Scammer spotted! https://t.co/AJpkX5QrHW
“If you hold bitcoins, you must take a breath every time you wish to send any to another person. Ask yourself if th… https://t.co/SvGmfLSKCt
Bitcoin is not a scam; it’s an robust platform on which to build scams. The whole world can watch you scamming poor… https://t.co/gqAu8GYwe5
O RLY? 😈https://t.co/PWH4ZNI9Q1 https://t.co/sgdhlWOCVU