Bitcoin According to official numbers, your $USD is now losing 1% of its value every 30 days.
RT @ggreenwald: I never commented on the Rittenhouse case until I started watching large chunks of the trial, and all I can say is that any…

@rusty_twit You know who else is a fan of taproots?
RT @JeremyRubin: roles at / sapio currently open, DM me
looking for:
- “ops jack of all trades” (hr/re…
Now the judge is schooling the prosecutor on the ballistic properties of different ammunition types and how the pro…
The prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial is really grasping at straws and the judge is ripping him a new asshole.
Rittenhouse judge mentioned “ignorantia juris non excusat” - that ignorance of law is not an excuse.
The presumpti…
When folks tweet really bad takes for engagement farming, they turn off replies so that:
A) They can’t get ratioed…
@ecurrencyhodler is this TA
@ErikVoorhees We want to take over so that we can leave people alone.
@WayneVaughan Saw an older guy on his phone complaining about getting rug pulled on some BSC DEX. Was surprising to see it IRL.
You never know what you’re gonna find when you look through the posting history of the Bitcoin hater du jour…
@NeerajKA well yeah it’s practically free money
@PeterMcCormack bitfinex is the one true price 🙃
@PeterMcCormack you rounding up?
Lotta folks out here claiming they’ve “made it” and yet they haven’t even upgraded their hit points, armor, weapons…
“Bitcoin is an ideological attack against the legitimacy of fiat currency!”
Is it an attack to show that the fiat emperors have no clothes?