@paoloardoino New Tether truther conspiracy theories in 3…2…1…

Fucking NPCs pic.twitter.com/KUNKmwoJU3
@kyletgibson @Twitter Somewhat, though you can be smart about it. They’d not want to translate on demand every time… https://t.co/O4keO5Xfez
If @Twitter lets me tap on a tweet and then tap again to translate it to my native language, why can’t it automatic… https://t.co/D6VloVqdVI
RT @ChristopherA: @n1ckler @EESAenAlemania @UFGoficial There is now a Spanish (and Portuguese) translation of @BlockchainComns Learning Bit…
@brucefenton should have sold one for $100
@Cursed2Know @welcomtomachine @Joz3d I suspect it’s not worth arguing with someone who chooses to give credence to… https://t.co/FgLCD5pfc5
@BITPAINTCLUB Yeah I don’t have the time/ability to replicate my resources site for multiple languages but I’m happ… https://t.co/Ty5XDZW0nT
@JuricaBulovic @brucefenton So you’re saying they’re mask Nazis?
The most common question I got from locals in El Salvador was where to find trustworthy bitcoin educational resourc… https://t.co/DtluCimL7l
@OneDeuxTriSeiGo Domestic travel doesn’t require it. Entering from another country does.
@TheDRNet1 Remember when you used to be able to walk right up to the gate without being treated like a criminal?
@wtogami @orweinberger @orionwl Not sure though I’ve run it for several years without problems, generally only upgrade annually.
@orweinberger @orionwl @wtogami +1 for self hosted ghost. Also easy to migrate from medium.
@Cr03Sinister Masks don’t guarantee anything either. Oops.
@4realchris It’s not about the personal inconvenience, it’s about irrational compliance.
Let me get this straight:
Most folks boarding an international flight to USA are vaccinated.
Everyone has a recen… https://t.co/oX56gsO9HT
@Ibo1337 I have no wings. You’ve fallen for the trap of believing there are only two schools of thought.
@ChaosInAShell I suppose it’s somewhat irrelevant because there’s no way for me to convince anyone about my motives.
@heptodrift Do you make lemonade?
@Johnez84 Sometimes it’s tough to tell! https://t.co/LdbaXIxLtK
The curse of having a high follower count is many folks assume your goal is to be an influencer and you derive your… https://t.co/jdiiM10Pi3
@Jon_HQ For efficiency and my own amusement :-P
@DanDarkPill I’m impressed that you can keep up with all this BS
@hodlmeister *chef’s kiss*
@Swayyemm For self custody there are no restrictions. For in-app bitcoin purchase it really depends on our broker p… https://t.co/5joh8Hkvoh
Yes, I’m aware that making controversial statements will result in people unfollowing me. No need to announce your… https://t.co/SzK27A1J0p
@brooklynboy436 Hard no, bro. https://t.co/hyFdODqvmv
RT @criptobastardo: Llegó el maximalista - @giacomozucco
#LABITCONF https://t.co/XLR3606hrG
@jmcrowell I support you doing so!
@wolftendo They wouldn’t let me bring my own weapons  🤷