The rate of technological progress is amazing. Flashlight luminosity has increased by an order of magnitude in a de…
@johnconnor421 Mostly San Salvador. I’d agree that it seems like a rougher country than most.
@JeremyRubin @SatoshiSarah What’s the cost/difficulty of registering? Hard to tell how big of a barrier this is. Wh…
@johnconnor421 I was just there this week and saw quite a few familiar faces.
There are plenty of ways the El Salvador Bitcoin project could fail, most of which are outside of our control.
@jespow @twobitidiot It will all be fine if we just comply. A psyops bot told me so.
RT @Snowden: There is a strain of wealthy VC-guy who pretends to do you a favor by “warning” against Bitcoin (or whatever) while hyping cen…
@pepperonner @CasaHODL Yeah it does, I use it via Aurora store. What won’t work is the encrypted cloud backup featu…
7) Adopters of crypto networks are not insane, they are merely opting into realities that have more to offer.
6) The further one goes down the rabbit hole of any given network and the ecosystem being built around it, the more…
5) There are some who work on better defining and defending the edges of a given crypto network by crafting memes a…
4) Unlike with traditional migration between nation states, there is no border control between crypto networks. All…
3) Crypto networks establish microcosms with rule sets that define a reality anyone can opt into.
It’s more akin t…
2) In meatspace (what some call “the real world”) you can not simply change the facts of reality - there are conseq…
1) “I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.”
This mindset would traditionally be the mark of a lunati…
Not sure why Twitter doesn’t tout itself as a mental health platform given how many folks on here happily give out free psychoanalyses.
@udiWertheimer i operate under the assumption that this is what you have chosen to do with your retirement
RT @jonst0kes: oh no. oh god.
@Bruno_Nardi Looks like the bot owner caught wind of this, claimed not to be a bot a few times, then blocked me and…
@DanielSingerS @prestonjbyrne have fun staying inside the box
@DanielSingerS @prestonjbyrne “Sanity” is by definition a construct of the masses, who are rarely forward-thinking.
@DanielSingerS @prestonjbyrne Hard to have logical conversations with folks who have been brainwashed into thinking in binary terms.
Full validation sync of Mako commit hash 3d8a5180… took 24 hours 10 minutes to sync to block 705,000 on my benchm…
You shouldn’t hate me for being “right wing” because I’m not - I’m anti-wing.
The logical reason to hate me is bec…
@PeterMcCormack Might I suggest block/mute and move on.
@TomerStrolight @BitcoinIsSaving Rulers don’t appreciate when subjects declare independence. 😬
El Salvador has declared war on the dollar, just as @BitcoinIsSaving predicted 7 years ago.
@lommaj Who, me? I’ll have you know that I am an NFT owner.