The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 9th, 2022

The melt value of a modern US nickel is now 9 cents.

via Twitter for Android

RT @satsie: pssst. We still got a whole lotta engineering openings at @CasaHODL: Bitcoin experience is always a plu…

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@SenWarren @POTUS The more you tighten your grip, the more people who will slip through your fingers as they choose to exit toward freedom.

via Twitter for Android in reply to SenWarren

Bitcoin is an equal opportunity global phenomenon, but some countries have chosen to shoot themselves in the foot r…

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Bitcoin protects American ideals far more reliably than American authorities.

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@Boopbooperboop @bradmillscan @PeterMcCormack No, we are not. And that’s the beauty of it.

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