The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 30th, 2022

I’m starting to suspect that Greenpeace doesn’t actually want to engage in the public protocol improvement process.

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One step closer to the dystopian cyberpunk future.

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@KlandriganUL @brucefenton Consarn those freedom extremists who want to leave us alone!

via Twitter Web App in reply to KlandriganUL

RT @brucefenton: I will not stand by while my country and our values are destroyed by politicians in Washington DC.

We must build a future…

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RT @crypto_voices: Come have a listen to @lopp do another round on the pod for #Bitcoin wallet security and general practices for preservin…

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@ThereWillBeMoon Twitter is capable of deplatforming me. I’m not going to get deplatformed off my own own self host…

via Twitter Web App

If your only connection to me is through Twitter, that’s a single point of failure. You can fix that by:


via Twitter for Android

@AbbieDillen If what you’re claiming is true (it’s not) then you should offer this modified Bitcoin protocol to the…

via Twitter for Android

Dear @bruneski @chrislarsensf @greenpeaceusa,

We haven’t heard back regarding collaboration. Understandable; it ca…

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Sounds like law enforcement may have finally caught up with Big Vern.

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