@jespow DAON’T ask such questions

@coinyeezy @kelseyhightower how will anyone give a fuck about a frog’s concern trolling
@kelseyhightower That’s OK; the system will continue functioning regardless of how well you understand it.
@kelseyhightower Tell us you don’t understand game theory and security models without telling us you don’t understa… https://t.co/wIPf5GywmC
Indeed; Bitcoin inverted the command and control hierarchy that is used to manipulate many aspects of civilization… https://t.co/8ClL2qgChu
@BitcoinMagazine Hopefully as a username, not a password!
@WayneVaughan @CharlesSchwab ok but what percent are degens
@FedorovMykhailo @Tether_to @paoloardoino nah
@theinstagibbs @Blockstream @clightning_twit @rusty_twit @niftynei Escape From Zero Covid?
enough nukes to turn the world to glass
doesn’t hold a candle to the deterrent
of a rifle behind every blade of grass
@twobitidiot don’t you dare
@laurashin XRP Army used to be worse though they seem to have withered.
Try writing something critical of CSW ;-)
@PeterMcCormack @pamelawjd It will be a fascinating phenomenon for sociologists to study. I’d suggest that the shor… https://t.co/L5fxxF7Q4n