The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 6th, 2022

@BookofNick can you believe this web site is free

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@mikealfred Yes: if you earn income inside the United States and are older than 67 your income is not subject to So…

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@NeerajKA it should be pretty easy to offer VR beer goggles though

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The dollar isn’t a Ponzi Scheme, it’s an issuance scam.

Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme.

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How to fix “move to earn” schemes so that they actually make sense:

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tRiLLiOn DoLlAr InDusTrY hAs NO uSe cAsEs

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@enjoythejourn16 @BitcoinTarzan @RobSchneider The Snopes article links to the original sources. Feel free to DYOR.

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@enjoythejourn16 @BitcoinTarzan @RobSchneider Snopes article found a couple dozen in 2019, I haven’t seen a comprehensive historical chart.

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@BitcoinTarzan @RobSchneider Looks like there are ~40,000 fires per year at industrial facilities in America, so if…

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@Ben__Rickert @allenf32 Doesn’t sound like fraud to me, sounds like an anti-extortion mechanism.

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@CGDMedici I can only imagine we’d need to devise a written / oral test while also considering one’s actions a part of the real-world test.

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There are plenty of risky activities for which it makes sense for society to restrict access based upon one’s matur…

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@BitcoinTarzan @RobSchneider Yes, that would amount to a rate of 0.1% per year which seems pretty low for industrial facilities.

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@paoloardoino can we go one step further and create a world where retail dumps tokens on VCs

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@paoloardoino ok but how is it going to make folks rich

people want ponzis, not privacy and security

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@RobSchneider There are over 36,000 food & beverage processing facilities in the US; it’s to be expected that a few…

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I started following a list of Bitcoin haters but it’s not the gold mine of dunks for which I was hoping; I agree wi…

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Crypto critics: “100% of the industry is scams that create no value!”

Bitcoin Maximalists: “99.9% of the industry…

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RT @0xfoobar: There is a single private key out there that can mint an infinite number of new OG @BoredApeYC at any time.

If the token co…

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Reminder that “Bitcoin Maximalist” is a pejorative coined by the creator of Ethereum and it was reappropriated by B…

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Social convention suggests that you should not call anyone a bitcoin maximalist unless they have stated that it’s o…

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