@Frances_Coppola Probable the same thing you won’t understand when I say that I got rugged by the SEC.
They attack… https://t.co/c5Yj9kudMm
@Frances_Coppola Sounds like that’s a yes.
@Frances_Coppola Is that what you tell folks who walk down a dark London alley and get mugged?
@Frances_Coppola Do you realize that you’re victim blaming? It was a listed security that got delisted from US mark… https://t.co/RCOrMrIB1F
@Frances_Coppola ROFL you’re trying to make this about you when your statement was about me?
@Frances_Coppola Bullshit. The level of ignorance / privilege required to make such a statement is astounding.
Her… https://t.co/6vsBK3TYWp
I’m not antisocial
I’m antistupid

Bitcoin Remember, not your keys; not your coins. pic.twitter.com/OWfPjMIb8y
@Frances_Coppola The purpose is to frustrate authoritarians as they lament their inability to stop us from pursuing economic freedom.
@Frances_Coppola You have 600,000 public, trivially searchable statements you’ve posted.
Are you taking the positi… https://t.co/NCNy29zOhA
@Frances_Coppola I suggest you search your own Twitter history for the phrase “should be regulated.”
@Frances_Coppola Never said it was a specific case of authoritarianism, just referring to you both in general based… https://t.co/He3buQz0qL
@Frances_Coppola “Fuck you money” is a distillation of many complex topics that tend to make people’s eyes glaze ov… https://t.co/yuCYzx5Cjy
Is “fuck you money” so difficult to comprehend? Authoritarians are simply scared of the consequences of freedom.
I imagine the timeline going something like this:
1. Federal Reserve ignores Bitcoin
2. Federal Reserve makes fun… https://t.co/dBV4WSl529