The trolling by ordinals fans has been pretty tame. I’m still waiting for someone to store child porn or…R0
@Cocopoppyhead I have little doubt that those with an A rating on the 20 ton crush test would do just fine…ku
@Cocopoppyhead I have weird hobbies.
lopp I stand upon the shoulders of giants and as such, invite you to stand upon mine. Use my work with or without…QS
@ErikVoorhees Pretty much. AFAIK the only OpenAI project for which you can download the code and run it yourself…ak
@satofishi @SatoshiRoundtbl See you soon!
@JeremyRubin When people use my contact form to reach me from a major email provider, I respond from an account on the same provider.
@sethforprivacy Then it really doesn’t matter because in that case it means there is negligible demand for block…ZJ
@sethforprivacy Correct, it’s not a drastic change and it’s not economically viable for the long term. There’s no need for hysterics.
Breaking countless Twitter integrations with only 1 week notice is not cool, man. Not cool.…
@sethforprivacy This is not a problem. Folks creating ordinals still have to pay for block space. It’s only a “…mh
BREAKING: Charlie Munger’s dessicated corpse declares that Bitcoin is bad.
@TimboNotes Amazingly low recoil.
Greetings from Dubai
BTCPayServer operators who haven’t upgraded their software in the past 2 months should do so ASAP.
@wtogami @Namecheap Most likelihood they were running an old version and just need to upgrade to fix NBXplorer.
The real problem is that y’all default to kneeling before The Algorithm. Take 2 seconds to switch to the raw “following” feed!
@Wealth_Theory I could see that. Like maybe your tweet virality gets weighted differently if your audience size…aF
@danheld Yes, and I don’t wish to be flipping back and forth.
@cryptyo He has a unique account. Even if it’s true for his account that doesn’t mean it’s broadly applicable.
I find it hard to believe that taking one’s account private would increase your reach.
Regardless, it’s not an…eA
@AriDavidPaul Have you tried shitposting?