@jefft I’m glad you asked. I was moments away from vomiting at the 30 min mark, but thankfully got “pad duty” rather than “punching drills.”
@abbydactyl true, but I love Camp so much that I’m actually considering it
@abbydactyl you might be interested in http://t.co/gxwvMzIv
First krav maga class kicked my ass, then I missed a 6 point buck (in my truck) by a foot on the 40 => 147 offramp. Not a dull night at all.
@ameir lul is that a real Worms mod?
All I want for Christmas is a crate of cheap .45 FMJ ammunition so that I can keep my skills honed. Oh, and world peace.
Give me liberty or give me the deaths of my oppressors.