The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 15th, 2011

@emilepetrone Just one, which is all I need since I’ve only mastered being able to parse one stream of text at a time.

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rundlesreposts After tomorrow, I’m spreading my wings. Learning to fly. Doing what it takes. Touching the sky. Taking a chance. Making a change. Deuces!!

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Why would I buy a Kindle when it’s cheaper to buy the physical books on Amazon?

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@emilepetrone @whitehouse Ditto; I’m not participating in this petition charade any longer.

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@whitehouse NDAA? SOPA? This tweet is a joke, right?

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DEVOPS_BORAT 2012 is year of private cloud, Linux desktop and establish which of emacs and vi is better.

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Can ANYONE explain to me the meaning of the saying “it ain’t beanbag” ? Google has no clue…

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Living is the best revenge.

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BuddyRoemer 30 Major U.S. Companies Spent More on Lobbying than Taxes: #followthemoney #getmoneyout #rootstrikers

via web (retweeted on 9:21 AM, Dec 15th, 2011 via web)