@emilepetrone Just one, which is all I need since I’ve only mastered being able to parse one stream of text at a time.
rundlesreposts After tomorrow, I’m spreading my wings. Learning to fly. Doing what it takes. Touching the sky. Taking a chance. Making a change. Deuces!!
Why would I buy a Kindle when it’s cheaper to buy the physical books on Amazon?
@rjFortunato @whitehouse Go third party! Check out http://t.co/yvjuY3Uq
@emilepetrone @whitehouse Ditto; I’m not participating in this petition charade any longer.
@whitehouse NDAA? SOPA? This tweet is a joke, right?
DEVOPS_BORAT 2012 is year of private cloud, Linux desktop and establish which of emacs and vi is better.
Can ANYONE explain to me the meaning of the saying “it ain’t beanbag” ? Google has no clue…
Living is the best revenge.
BuddyRoemer 30 Major U.S. Companies Spent More on Lobbying than Taxes: http://t.co/GAAiKCEC #followthemoney #getmoneyout #rootstrikers