The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 22nd, 2015

@danlowe @soylent 1.4 tastes better IMO; less like cardboard, more like bland oatmeal.

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@danielcawrey @jonrussell A bitcoin in the hand is worth a hundred in MTGOX

via Twitter Web Client in reply to danielcawrey

Bitcoin’s divisibility doesn’t decrease its scarcity b/c there are limitations imposed by the protocol & the resources running the network.

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Has anyone built a Bitcoin network simulator that spools up nodes in regtest mode and generates blocks, txs, double spends, forks, etc?

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RT @gavinandresen: … so I’ll be spending more time on the MassPike:

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@mikestable Open your mouth and close your eyes and I’ll give you a big surprise…

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