@Cardanians_io Yeah, the sensible explanation is that people who don’t understand statistics wrote the headlines. https://t.co/80Uoxz9h0N

Down but not out. #NeverGetsOld pic.twitter.com/gawKI3SQF6
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@xapo clients can now protect their Bitcoin against against improper seizure and third-party risk wit…
@EatCookCryptos @zhusu Not over such a short time period, as it can easily be caused by the randomness inherent to finding blocks.
@ravenlynx70 It appears not, it was just regular random fluctuations in block times. The longer time period over wh… https://t.co/I7DD8LHBK5
@alohacrypto75 This is taken directly from my Bitcoin node https://t.co/YeAzO2IoeF
The need for journalists to be the first to report “news” puts them in direct conflict against patiently verifying… https://t.co/8bsIK6o6gC