If you find yourself worrying about whether or not your favorite crypto asset might be classified as a security, you’ve already lost.
@AlenaSatoshi @gaborgurbacs @mcuban Orange coin good
Brown banana bad
@GabrielDVine @itsminawhile Both are correct. Next block expected 10 minutes from now; expected time between blocks is 20 minutes.
@AriannaSimpson Sir bitcoin fixes this… if you require them to pay before messaging you.
The next bitcoin block is always expected to arrive 10 minutes from now. Don’t let your monkey brain fool you into… https://t.co/0xFTEjo3fh
“The thing that Bitcoin is trying to achieve will only, and can only, be achieved by Bitcoin.” - @pete_rizzo_ https://t.co/u2ciDmYgKJ
@kyletorpey @alexbosworth Haha I bought backup power cords myself :-D
@alexbosworth When I was a kid my parents would take away the power cords to the computer to force me to go play outside.