@cidadededeus36 Next weekend; join the telegram group to get updates. https://t.co/SjQUsXvb3e
@CaptainCryptoHD Not on my video; I set up my capture software at the last second and didn’t have time to test the audio capture.
@MishAdelanwa VRChat
@CamiloJdL Next weekend
@lawson3355 That’s the plan for next week
@liviusa A VR mirror!
@kurtybot VRChat

<VR selfie> pic.twitter.com/Aaub22zk9z

Nearly 30 virtual attendees in today’s Bitcoin VR meetup! pic.twitter.com/CR36jHeWqh
Host @udiWertheimer kicking off another Bitcoin meetup in virtual reality. https://t.co/Qsky1eNmRn
Can’t get coronavirus at a virtual reality conference… #justsayin https://t.co/J7AdQIBKFl
@CoinCornerDanny Should be resolved now; they had to reissue the SSL cert several times.
@CoinCornerDanny Yeah I was trying to change my cloudflare plan which is a feature integrated into my hosting provi… https://t.co/Oyibkxmk4L