The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 15th, 2021

Do what you believe is right, especially if everyone says you’re crazy.

via Twitter for Android

@SteveBellovin FYI, you retweeted a post from this account.

via Twitter for Android

@EWinstn What was the most influential event of your childhood and how did it affect you?

via Twitter for Android in reply to EWinstn

This is not the first viral tweet I’ve seen from an account that is clearly a high volume bot trying to sell meme t…

via Twitter for Android

@dgleason650 @BobLoukas Ask yourself why the hundred or so network forks sum to ~1% of Bitcoin’s value.

via Twitter for Android in reply to dgleason650

@Ingeniousengin2 @BobLoukas Yeah that’s why TCP/IP became obsolete decades ago.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Ingeniousengin2

@BobLoukas @CandleHack Bitcoin addresses have checksums - typo errors have never been a thing.

via Twitter for Android in reply to BobLoukas

Enemies of liberty claim Bitcoin:

is for criminals
is a ponzi scheme
destroys the climate
can be killed by governm…

via Twitter for Android

Bitcoin is the monetary insurgency.
Its homeland is cyberspace.
It can only be occupied by attackers temporarily at…

via Twitter for Android

@notgrubles @gladstein It’s just a sign of admiration!

via Twitter for Android

RT @alexbosworth: Imagine somebody creates 100 coins and gives out 9 coins for people to trade. They then say that the people who have most…

via Twitter for Android

@prestonjbyrne IDK, I’m rather partial to infinitely divisible pizza.

via Twitter for Android in reply to prestonjbyrne

Freedom can not simply be given.
Freedom must be taken.
Without the burning desire for freedom, a willingness to fi…

via Twitter for Android

I’m already against the next war of aggression.

$2.2 Trillion spent to date.
Another $4 Trillion estimated over ne…

via Twitter for Android