The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 29th, 2021

@masonic_tweets I’d gladly pay you a dog token on Tuesday for a hamburger today

via Twitter Web App in reply to masonic_tweets

As long as the definition of “fully vaccinated” doesn’t include “producing antibodies due to natural immunity” then…

via Twitter Web App

A metaverse owned by Facebook (or any company) will be a dystopian cyberhellscape.

via Twitter for Android

@LarryRuane Looks like you’re already on the list

via Twitter for Android in reply to LarryRuane

NGMI due to believing propaganda from central bank shills.

via Twitter for Android

@brucefenton Turns out the trick to retaining wealth is to not spend it.

via Twitter for Android in reply to brucefenton

I only have 170 people on this list; feels low. Who’s missing?

via Twitter Web App

I will not attend any conference that requires the disclosure of personal medical information.

via Twitter for Android

Don’t waste your time arguing with folks who live in a reality that does not intersect with your own.

via Twitter for Android

@BryceWeiner I guess your warped sense of reality is a coping mechanism for dealing with your failed shitcoins.

via Twitter for Android in reply to BryceWeiner