@NeerajKA like a random 10 year old sidling up and calling you a poopyhead
@Melt_Dem @GQMagazine always have been
when they say bitcoin is 100% speculation
you say fiat is 100% speculation
oh noes are millenials not cool any more
guess it’s time to retire ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ecurrencyhodler ma always said I’d go blind by 30 from staring at screens all day
ma was wrong; still 20/20
Drop the “ta”
Just call it “Me”
It’s cleaner.
Everything you need is at bitcoin.page
Choose wisely… pic.twitter.com/Nu1fH4bonq
DanDarkPill Before Tungsten - After Tungsten pic.twitter.com/UiZ1omXfo9
@DanDarkPill this is a pleasing multilayered subtweet, wen NFT
@emilepetrone @muneeb I’m sure folks are doing this, though more likely in order to spot buggy contracts they can e… https://t.co/u3ctHABy2j
@MidwestTungsten Product request:
3 tungsten cubes
connected via tungsten chain
see my profile banner for inspiration
Some rando: “Bitcoin is useless for anything other than speculation!”
Me 10 years ago: <essay on how it’s revoluti… https://t.co/mshFnLutWF