The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 25th, 2021

@btcbabey @benthecarman @CasaHODL I suggest reading the Sovereign Recovery email that gets sent to you once you fin…

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@The_Laureate_ @notgrubles @BitcoinMagazine I don’t trust politicians, I prefer to verify they have skin in the gam…

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@BitcoinMagazine is this an announcement of an announcement of an announcement

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@AdamasNemesis @drinkhoplark Tastes like coffee; I prefer my coffee in the morning.

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@IdentifyAsJPG @danheld @BitcoinMagazine I reported the bug to Jack over a year ago; it’s annoying!

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@danheld @BitcoinMagazine I know Twitter done fucked up and switched me back to “top tweets” when I start seeing yo…

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yes i spend a ton of time on twitter but it’s only 1 of my 5 screens don’t judge

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@BookofNick Meanwhile, a few quiet types will be secretly armoring up their killdozers.

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@notgrubles @BitcoinMagazine Sure, then he’s in violation of federal ethics laws 🤷‍♂️

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Me: “I want an energy drink that doesn’t taste like candy. And it needs to be 0 calories and 0 carbs, but none of t…

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@brenorb We’ve got 85 years to figure out how! But on a serious note I think scheduling a noncontroversial hard for…

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@Mandrik i figured your unit of account was baklava

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Bitcoin Core will never have a 1.0 release.

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@page88 @EricColumbus You must be new here if you think Jack has any power over Bitcoin.

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RT @CasaHODL: ⚠️ TOMORROW at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST:

🛠️ How to build products people love, with privacy-focused principles 🕵️‍♀️

Ft. @da…

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@BitfuryGeorge Doesn’t feel like 2017 to me.
Mempool is empty.
Not seeing any stats that indicate retail FOMO.

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@nic__carter Bitcoiners cause inflation.
Bitcoiners must be hunted down and silenced!

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@satsie @page88 @jack This burn is gonna last all week.

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Capital gains tax is a punishment for success. And you can bet your life that those in power want to punish us.

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RT @Trezor: This Wednesday, join our talk with @lopp about OpSec, securing #Bitcoin, recognizing and avoiding scams, and more.

Set the rem…

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@jkubes652 I’m ribbing him for still using fiat as his unit of account.

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@OfThings7 TBF $GBTC started off way down (vs NAV)

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Latest reports say that Baldwin wasn’t even supposed to be firing the weapon at the time it discharged - he was sim…

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@brucefenton millibits failed, IMO our best chance is to go straight to sats

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@brucefenton Aha; I’ve never tikked nor tokked. I hope you’ve learned your lesson!

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@Via_Osmosis Not sure if English is your native language, but “fluid values” implies that “maximalists” flip flop o…

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@brucefenton I’m confused, I can still see the video…

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“I can’t believe you said _____, I thought maxis don’t believe that!”

The maximalism moniker is mostly meaningless…

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Sorry China, after years of fucking with Bitcoiners nobody’s going to trust you. You reap what you sow.

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@nvk Boomers better get in b4 the stock split!

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@Via_Osmosis @jettrain14 I decided it would be less interesting to chastise him for poor opsec.

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Owning a billion bucks of bitcoin isn’t bragworthy.

Owning 0.1% of the entire money supply, on the other hand…

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@twobitidiot But Craig’s not American  😇

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