The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 14th, 2021

RT @TRF_Stories: 🪙 10 years ago, Afghan entrepreneur @RoyaMahboob started paying her all-female staff in #bitcoin.

🇦🇫 It helped some of th…

via Twitter for Android

@BlancoWeiss @blocktrainer It only really matters in this case if you want to be validating taproot spends.

via Twitter Web App

Tell me there’s an ETF coming without admitting there’s an ETF coming.

via Twitter Web App

@BlancoWeiss @blocktrainer Well, plus it’s generally against peoples’ best interests to apply such an update.

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@nvk canadian dollars or real dollars?

via Twitter Web App in reply to nvk

Is it a firearm if it’s physically incapable of firing? 🤔

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Lebanon is having a financial crisis because the central bank tried to make the lira a stablecoin pegged at 1,507 p…

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