The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 30th, 2023

The sick joke is none of them will be prosecuted for the war crimes they have committed.…

via Twitter for Android

@ajtowns Doesn’t really matter - as long as they have something to fear, they’ll think twice before acting.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ajtowns

It’s actually great to set precedent that even the most powerful office in government is not above the law.

via Twitter Web App

@juliusgu23 Thanks, but I agree that it’s not a matter of measuring historical contributions.

From my perspective…

via Twitter for Android

lopp welcome to web3 where every click is a taxable event

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:02 PM, Mar 30th, 2023 via Hypefury)

DuVasconcellos_ @VerumSemper @seiitiarata @LojaHODLBTC Quer saber mais sobre mim e muitos outros, estamos dentro desse excelente…ma

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:59 PM, Mar 30th, 2023 via Twitter Web App)

spectatorindex Annual inflation.

Argentina: 102%
Turkey: 55%
Russia: 11%
UK: 10.4%
Italy: 9.1%
Germany: 8.7%
Mexico: 7.6%

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:05 PM, Mar 30th, 2023 via Twitter Web App)

Bitcoin is on its way to becoming a shitcoin!

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@nic__carter Except I’m not allowed to purchase a new check because I give a fuck about my privacy.

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@csuwildcat Time restricted eating is a pretty easy way to accomplish that.

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@des_imoto Fair, though one can go even further and claim that a home owned in the clear without debt is still…pr

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There is only one way to ensure that your money is safe in the bank: be the bank.

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@Aureliushodl21m @crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL Feel free to direct your anger at Ledger and Trezor, who have or…

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@crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL Bitcoiners can own anything they damn well please. That’s the essence of free markets.

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@AlenaSatoshi @GrapheneOS Doubtful, probably requires some Google play service.

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@dgleason650 This is an excellent opportunity to educate yourself on the backstory!…

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@crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL I was 100% BTC in 2012 / 2013.

But I’m a technologist and I play with anything t…

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RT @paoloardoino: You can’t stop tech advancement. Never worked. Never will. It’s not about right or wrong. It’s a about competition for po…

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“The Death of Decentralization in SMTP” is a historical overview of the multi-decade downfall of email as a…WT

via Hypefury