@drewmikb @aantonop @anonymouscoin I think of it as my new credit card. When making a payment I buy BTC on demand and use it immediately.
@aantonop @anonymouscoin My plan to help decrease volatility is to buy low and sell high ;-)
@anonymouscoin Perhaps this is @aantonop’s plan to decrease volatility, by convincing people to simply use Bitcoin rather than speculate.
@anonymouscoin I suspect @aantonop is differentiating between traditional investing and speculation. Crypto trading is certainly the latter.

@barrysilbert That’s a good chart, though I like this one even better: i.imgur.com/zwt0BoJ.jpg

After 3 months of buying the downtrend, from $815 to $390, Lopp Holdings, LLC is finally in the black. pic.twitter.com/cXFmpZObES
As demand grows, data centers begin accepting Bitcoin. http://t.co/mN69wxIMvN