.@realytcracker in da house #bitcoinbeltway pic.twitter.com/ARUOHXs5qt

Dat Bitcoin music. @ZhouTonged pic.twitter.com/adDw020c9N
realytcracker if you’re in the dc area and want to peep a free rap show head to the renaissance hotel come downstairs to the ballroom and rage ~930pm
“Central Counterparty Clearing will be undermined by cryptocurrency; I think this will be bigger than Bitcoin’s monetary use.” @OverstockCEO

The Scourge of Wall Street - @OverstockCEO #bitcoinbeltway pic.twitter.com/1JckLdVcsc
“It’s a problem when a plan for reform requires those at the top to give up any power.” @jeffreyatucker #bitcoinbeltway

Monetary systems and freedom with @jeffreyatucker pic.twitter.com/6jrQjOhAbd
It seems @BitcoinBeltway keeps hashing the location of presentations…

The original nerdcore gangsta & Bitcoin Baron, @realytcracker. His next album is going to be epic. #bitcoinbeltway pic.twitter.com/gQMuEKSB0C
“The meek will inherit the Earth. If ‘meek’ means those who don’t initiate violence against others, then anarchists will inherit the Earth.”
“People who store their wealth in assets tend to be unaffected by inflation, while the average worker is left behind.” @DollarVigilante
Proof of resource algorithms will allow us to incentivize people to share their underutilized resources. @aantonop @BitcoinBeltway
“The story is always the same: when you give someone control over money, eventually they steal it.” (This also applies to regulators.)
“When regulators impose fines that are less than the profits gained, they are incentivizing bad behavior.” @aantonop @BitcoinBeltway
“I’m opposed to regulation because, quite simply, it doesn’t work.” @aantonop @BitcoinBeltway

Why the @MIT Bitcoin airdrop is significant: creating a dense geographic mesh of users. @BitcoinBeltway pic.twitter.com/OFM9P04lq2

Just demoed the Coinoutlet Bitcoin vending machine by @EricGrill - pretty slick! pic.twitter.com/RZjBx3GNRM