RT @CathyReisenwitz: Can’t keep a good app down. London taxis strike to protest Uber, Uber use goes up 850% via @BuzzFeedAndrew @zhanover …
@flyosity That’s gonna make it harder to reflexively fire in self-defense, brah
Awesome documentary of Bitcoin empowering a Ugandan student via remittances. https://t.co/8Usc7B9wn4
@Jeremy_DeGroot And yet, there’s also a lot of money to be made in noncompliance :-)
@Jeremy_DeGroot They’re learning that software cares not about the “laws” of men. In the age of computers, code is law.
I’m looking forward to seeing @aantonop @CathyReisenwitz @CharlieShrem @PerianneDC @Radomysisky @realytcracker at @BitcoinBeltway next week!
It’s fascinating to see taxi drivers all over the world protesting against software. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle, folks.