It’s impolite to decline when a company pleads with you to help them hit the minimum spend on their open bar. #velocityconf
We’re teaching employees to be “DevOps heroes” but this leads to burnout. Devoting one’s life to work is not heroic. @sigje #velocityconf
TheOnion Humanity Surprised It Still Hasn’t Figured Out Better Alternative To Letting Power-Hungry Assholes Decide Everything
@flyosity I stopped by the @IntuitInc booth to chat about #Bitcoin but didn’t have much luck. Sounds like they aren’t ready to hire experts.

Conference Capoeira - kudos #velocityconf!
“Practice deliberate unownership when kicking down silos - decide which areas need explicit owners and which do not.” @beerops #velocityconf
RT @coindesk: ‘Adopt a Node’ Project Aims to Bolster Bitcoin Network Security
@danlowe Currently talking #sportsball dev with @beerops :-)
@orweinberger Congrats on the @coindesk article!
“Searching for candidates that you can educate on the job is more effective than searching for specific skills.” @beerops #velocityconf
“Agile methodologies are a secret way of admitting that time estimates for large projects are always wrong.” @lxt #velocityconf
“On-site screen should include a realistic job preview, a structured interview, and situational judgement tests.” Greg Leffler #velocityconf
“Coding puzzles, Fermi problems, personality tests, and trivia are not good interview questions for engineers.” Greg Leffler, LinkedIn
circlebits Intuit QuickBooks Adds Bitcoin Payment Option for Merchants. Joins Digital River, Stripe & Square w/ BTC Support

Awwwwyeah. #velocityconf @IntuitInc #Bitcoin
@anjiecast You must not be following @TheKronies :-)
“The hard part is getting up after falling. If you give up one fall short of making it, it was all for nothing” @rodneymulllen #velocityconf
“90% of high schools do not offer CS classes. In 28 states, CS does not count as math or science credit.” @pamelafox #velocityconf
“The difficulty in setting up a local dev environment is a huge barrier to entry for aspiring programmers.” @pamelafox #velocityconf
“There will be 1,000,000 more programming jobs than computer science graduates by 2020.” @pamelafox #velocityconf
Network engineers: is it unreasonable to expect to have usable wi-fi at a heavily attended cutting edge tech conference?
Good morning #velocityconf! If any of you have questions about cryptocurrency, let’s meet up. I’m the guy wearing the Bitcoin shirt.