Greg Maxwell eloquently describes the politics of Bitcoin.
.@TheBlueMatt breaks the block size ice on the dev mailing list:
RT @Radomysisky: 3-D Printed Gun Lawsuit Starts the War Between Arms Control and Free Speech via @WIRED
RT @melshapiro: @lopp @ryanxcharles Just published a blog post clarifying our key model. Our apologies for the confusion.…
melshapiro @lopp @ryanxcharles @CaseWallet We generate 1 key. 2nd key generated on device when you receive it. 3rd key user can generate or TKS
@melshapiro @ryanxcharles And just to be clear, when you say “keys” you are referring to bitcoin keys, not some other system of keys?
@nvk @ryanxcharles If Case can pull keys from TKS on demand, that would be the case. This seems to be up in the air at the moment.
@simondlr @ryanxcharles Yeah, their FAQ says that it’s an option to hold the third key yourself.
@simondlr @ryanxcharles Ditto, though I hope TKS is an option rather than mandatory third key holder.
@ryanxcharles Can we get some clarification @CaseWallet @melshapiro? Confusion about your key model is running rampant.
@ryanxcharles Are you saying that the user can’t control 2 of the 3 keys? My understanding is that using TKS is not mandatory.
.@gavinandresen is publishing a ton of material concerning block sizes. “Will a 20MB max increase centralization?”
@mikestable Did someone order a 376,000 egg omelette?