@el33th4xor How about a confessional app instead? That would probably get more repeat users…
Memes on Eames; magical Internet money accepted. memeschair.com
@flyosity If they were serious it would say “sermon streaming beginning 4/12/2015 10:00:00EST at {URL}”
@pig_poetry An animated gif is worth over twenty thousand words per second.

MuckRock .@FBI releases files on @_defcon_ hacking conference - aren’t too happy about “spot the Fed” bit.ly/1KK8DVm pic.twitter.com/gq91XPfFkl
Agree w/@ryanxcharles - the Bitcoin space appears to move a lot slower when you have your head down focusing on one line of code at a time.
@jgarzik People who believe that they know what’s best for everyone else.
“Open source software is extremely valuable because it allows you to see how other people solve problems.” - @ryanxcharles
“Technology already enables much greater freedom than most people even try to take advantage of.” @ryanxcharles https://t.co/rA0MK2iEDx