@cypherdoc2 @21dotco AFAIK embedded mining is still the plan
@cypherdoc2 If @21dotco succeeds, we may socialize mining to the point that for-profit miners become extinct ;-)
@lightcoin @BitseedOrg I rarely hear about it; is it hard to set up? I assume not much revenue? https://t.co/dIFIIbWgTo
@emcluj True, though joinmarket decreases network tx throughput while LN will increase it. Seems like LN could be a superior mixer as well.
@elizabeth_joh @ryanxcharles @csoghoian I’ll put a bitcoin bounty out for a copblock patch.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc It’s hard to make complex software easy to administer; I doubt it will be easy unless rolled into BTC node.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc 1. Read about Bitcoin to understand value proposition of running a node. 2. Become a sysadmin.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc It’s trivial to run a full node… if you’re a nerd who has already scaled the Bitcoin learning curve.
motherboard “Ledger” is the first Bitcoin-only academic journal, and you can get it for free:
bit.ly/1iMcLfk pic.twitter.com/UqhROChNTS
@NTmoney It’s really hard to sell security as a feature until after it’s too late.
RT @OB1Company: Our own @drwasho has written about scaling #Bitcoin and why transaction capacity matters: https://t.co/8KyDY1nw6H
@riprowan @docbtc Sounds like you have reservations about the fungibility of LN UTXOs; I guess you could call them pseudo-UTXOs.
@riprowan It’s not just a promise, it’s a contract with well defined terms, and you can close the contract to settle on-blockchain…
LaurentMT @lopp …and it may also allow monetization of full nodes (micropayment of services provided by the full node)
@LaurentMT Indeed, this is the first concept that I think has a decent chance of us further decentralizing the node network.
@riprowan My limited understanding is that a LN transaction can be posted to the Bitcoin blockchain at any time, closing the channel.
@mikeinspace I believe the idea is that if LN is popular, you won’t need to settle. Just keep your funds on LN and use them to pay others.
If Lightning Networks become popular, running a LN node will be the first truly safe way to “invest” bitcoins and achieve positive ROI.